The small anomalies found on the breast are noticed by the device. This plays a big role in diagnosing breast cancer. Women must have mammography at least once a year according to their age. When you follow your tests and examinations regularly, you can prevent breast cancer.
What is the working principle of a mammography device?
The two plates on the device clamp the nozzles. The device generates x-rays with low energy through the x-ray tube thanks to the X-ray generator. X-rays to prevent damage to the breast collimator and so on. through the filter is applied on the nipples. With X-rays, images are obtained on the analogue film of the device.
What are the basic parts on the device?
In and on the device;
X-ray generator,
X-ray tube,
Printing plate
There is a display processing unit.
What are the usage areas of imaging devices?
It is used in radiology units for the diagnosis of breast cancer and chest screenings. The imaging device is included in branches related to gynecological diseases.